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The continued adventures of Raccoon and Bear--Raccoon and Bear go to the Mall!

What are you talking about??? They didn't go to the mall! They're Raccoon and Bear; they went to a Dead concert!

They showed up kind of late cause Raccoon had lost the keys in the dirt parking lot. But they found them and hadn’t missed much of the show at all. It was a hot evening and they meandered their way through the crowd of swaying hippy girls and jumping hippie guys and finally ended up at the top of a ridge at the back of the natural amphitheater. They were close enough to hear the music and feel the thump of the speakers but far enough away that they could speak in unhurried tones. The sun was going down and the full moon was rising. The moon was accompanied by the Perseid meteor shower. The Pair knew this was auspicious but for quite what, they weren’t sure for Nature speaks in riddles that are decipherable only long after the fact sometimes.

They sat there still for a while, taking in the show and then Raccoon held out his thin dexterous hands and opened them to reveal a gorgeous giant Ruby. Bear gasped at the sight of its beauty and magnitude. She reached out to stroke it in wonder. "Where did you get that?" she exclaimed. "I uncovered it in the Earth when I was searching for the keys under the truck. When I saw it, I knew it was for you." Bear was blushing under her thick brown fur. (most people couldn’t tell if a Bear were blushing but Raccoon could) She held out her paw and he gently placed the Ruby in her hand. She pressed it to her chest and said "Thank you, I will treasure it forever!" Just then a hippie kid was walking by with an armload of hemp necklaces he had made. Bear traded him one for some Organic honey she had collected and she fashioned the Ruby and the necklace into a fine headdress fit enough for a Bear Queen. She felt like a Queen in that moment, in that hour and for the rest of her time on Earth.

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